Go Trout Fishing in the Ebor Area

Dorrigo-Ebor Freshwater Fishing Association (DEFFA)

dorrigo fishingThe Dorrigo-Ebor Freshwater Fishing Association (DEFFA) is the organisation responsible for the stocking of Rainbow and Brown Trout in the streams on the Dorrigo Plateau NSW. The aim of the Association is to promote responsible recreational freshwater fishing and to further the interests of all in matters relating to improving freshwater recreational fishing and fisheries.

Members of the Dorrigo-Ebor Freshwater Fishing Association have to conform to stringent NSW Fisheries and National Parks and Wildlife rules and regulations and are under legal obligation to ensure these rules and regulations are fully complied with.

Trout can only be released into waterways with the specific consent of NSW Fisheries and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Any Person found releasing fish into unauthorised waterways now risks being legally liable for any problems that may arise. Only financial members of the Dorrigo-Ebor Freshwater Fishing Association are authorised to release trout on the Dorrigo Plateau.

DEFFA advocates sustainable fishing in harmony with the conservation of all flora and fauna associated with the area. Public access is available at most road bridges that cross streams and at Travelling Stock Routes that border streams. Permission should be sought from landowners before crossing private property to fish. A polite phone call if the owner is known or a visit at an appropriate time will often result in permission being granted. A recreational Fishing Licence is required for most people wishing to fish.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Dorrigo-Ebor Freshwater Fishing Association please contact the Secretary on [02] 65697287 or download a membership form here: DEFFA Membership Application Form

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Opening Hours

LUNCH Tuesday - Saturday 12:00PM TO 2:00PM
DINNER Monday - Saturday 6:00 TO 8:00PM
Bookings Recommended

Sunday 10am–xxx

Monday 10am–xxx
Tuesday 10am–xxx
Wednesday 10am–xxx
Thursday 10am–xxx
Friday 10am–xxx
Saturday 10am–xxx

ph: 02 6775 9155


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