Ebor Self Drive Tours

Dorrigo to Point Lookout - Geological Self Tour - Ebor Volcano

ebor volcano complex dorrigo


Point Lookout is within the New England National Park off the Waterfall Way about 75 km from Armidale and 60 km from Dorrigo in the Northern Tablelands of northern New South Wales. The site is on the very edge of the Great Escarpment, within rocks of the Ebor Volcano.

Two walks are recommended to provide a cross section through some of the rocks of the Ebor Volcano:

  • The Eagles Nest Lookout loop track from Point Lookout, which travels for 2.5 km through several lavas of different compositions as well as the ancient soil horizons between lava flows
  • The Wrights Lookout walk, which examines some of the volcanic rocks at the base of the lavas and an unusual trachyte intrusion which is part of the Ebor Volcano.

Download the Ebor Volcano Geo-Tour Guide.

Many thanks go to geoscientists Dr. N.M. Vickery (Nancy) and Mr. R.E. Brown (Bob) for their significant contribution to this article.  You can read more at their very informative website.. HERE



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Opening Hours

LUNCH Tuesday - Saturday 12:00PM TO 2:00PM
DINNER Monday - Saturday 6:00 TO 8:00PM
Bookings Recommended

Sunday 10am–xxx

Monday 10am–xxx
Tuesday 10am–xxx
Wednesday 10am–xxx
Thursday 10am–xxx
Friday 10am–xxx
Saturday 10am–xxx

ph: 02 6775 9155


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