Ebor Self Drive Tours



The 191 kilometre Waterfall Way is one of the world's most scenic drives and recommended as a detour off the Pacific Coast Drive. The road winds upwards from the Pacific Highway from Coffs Harbour, through the delightfull town of Dorrigo, and on to Armidale on the New England Tablelands.

This breathtaking journey is the perfect way to experience the diversity of the changing landscape of the Great Dividing Range from the pristine coastal beaches climbing through lush tropical rainforest to the wide open plains of New England.

Along the way you won't be able to resist stopping at the pretty market town of Bellingen renowned for its quality arts and crafts, its markets. The drive also provides the perfect opportunity to explore the Dorrigo World Heritage National Park an easily accessible area of rainforest. Try some fly-fishing at many great locations and wind your way down to the floor following rivers and streams that have carved their paths for more than twelve million years.

The Waterfall Way takes you through or close to several national parks including Dorrigo, New England, Oxley and Cathedral Rock and there are many thrilling lookout points along the way. The Dorrigo World Heritage National Park which gives the road its name include Ebor Falls, Mihi Falls, Dangar Falls and Wollomombi Falls with a 260 metre drop in the Oxley National Park.

View Dorrigo Waterfalls in a larger map

ebor volcano complex dorrigo


Point Lookout is within the New England National Park off the Waterfall Way about 75 km from Armidale and 60 km from Dorrigo in the Northern Tablelands of northern New South Wales. The site is on the very edge of the Great Escarpment, within rocks of the Ebor Volcano.

Two walks are recommended to provide a cross section through some of the rocks of the Ebor Volcano:

  • The Eagles Nest Lookout loop track from Point Lookout, which travels for 2.5 km through several lavas of different compositions as well as the ancient soil horizons between lava flows
  • The Wrights Lookout walk, which examines some of the volcanic rocks at the base of the lavas and an unusual trachyte intrusion which is part of the Ebor Volcano.

Download the Ebor Volcano Geo-Tour Guide.

Many thanks go to geoscientists Dr. N.M. Vickery (Nancy) and Mr. R.E. Brown (Bob) for their significant contribution to this article.  You can read more at their very informative website.. HERE



Cathedral Rock National Park is situated on the Waterfall Way about 75 km from Armidale and 60 km from Dorrigo in the Northern Tablelands of northern New South Wales. The park exhibits granite landforms which include photogenic giant tors that are typical of many parts of the granite-rich New England region.

The park includes a number of formed walking tracks:

The Cathedral Rock track is an easy three hour circuit, (5.8 km) beginning at the Barokee Rest Area. The walk crosses both swampy and rocky country. A 400 m track branches off near the summit of Cathedral Rock. There are rewarding views from the top.

  • The Woolpack Rocks walk is an easy 7.5 km return walk (2-3 hours) which commences from the Native Dog Creek Rest Area. A branch track leads off from the main track to the interesting summit of Woolpack Rocks.
  • The Warrigal track is an easy 1km circuit (10-20 minutes) through woodland.
  • The Barokee-Native Dog track is a 10.5 km walk between the two camping areas at the Barokee and Native Dog Creek rest areas.

Download the Cathedral Rock Geo-Tour Guide.

 Many thanks go to geoscientists Dr. N.M. Vickery (Nancy) and Mr. R.E. Brown (Bob) for their significant contribution to this article.  You can read more at their very informative website.. HERE


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LUNCH Tuesday - Saturday 12:00PM TO 2:00PM
DINNER Monday - Saturday 6:00 TO 8:00PM
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Tuesday 10am–xxx
Wednesday 10am–xxx
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